Thursday, May 22, 2008


In the 1982 world cup held in SPAIN ,IN THE YEAR 1982. From 13 June to 11july.was a worldcup in which Algeira took part for the first time. They were the minnows of the world cup, along with Kuwait and Cameroon.
The match between Germany and Algeira caused a big suprise of the tournament. The Germans were former world champions , and here were the minnows. The German players taunted their aponents like this one said he would play the full match smoking a cigar. Another said he would dedicate a goal for his son. Another said this would be a cake walk for us.
But when the match started Algeira scored the first goal. But Karl Heinz Rummanigge scored the equaliser. But Algeira scored a wining goal in closing minutes.
In the next match between Austria and Germany, they passed the ball aimlesly and killed the time. The crowds got angry one German fan even burnt the flag. Afer this incident F.I.F. A. made a new rule that the matches should start at the same time, not the next day.

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