Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I havealways been a big fan of football for the past twenty years. But Ifeel the refree have often made big blunders, and Manchester United always get the refrees suport. F.I.FA. always puts up Banners saying PLEASE PLAY FAIR. But are the refrees playing fair?
According to F.I.F.A rules a refree must retire at the age of fourtyfive years. So at Paul Durkins last match as a refree the game was between Newcastle United and Manchester United. Alan Shearer was tripped in the box and apealed for a penalty, but Paul Durkin did not give it.
But the next day he admits it that he had made a mistake.
2 In a match between Arsenal and Manchester United the refree Mike Riley gave Manchester United a penalty when Sol Cambell did not even touch the players leg.
3 In a match between Totnem Hotspur vs Manchester United. Pedro Mendes kicked the ball like a canon ball. It hit the Manchester United goalkeeper Roy Carol on the chest and clearly crossed the line. But Carol picked up the ball from behind the line and continued the game. We in India could see it clearly. But not the refree. India is some where onehundredand fityth in the world. but we know when a goal is scored. It was after this incident that Mr Blatter has asked for aball with a chipin it.
4 Steve Benett gave a penalty when the ball hit William Galas s arm , both the hands were down and no intention was there to touch it.
5 Paul Scholes who was already on a yellow card , should have got a red in the last game vs Wigan Athlatic.
6 In the same match Rio Ferdinand outstretched arm was hit by the ball, and still Steve Bennet did not give a penalty.
7 In the 2007 2008 semi final between Arsenal and Liverpool, in the first leg . Alesander Hlep was dropped clearly in the box for the world to see,by Dirk Kuyt. But the Dutch refree Petr Vink did not give it . In the second leg Ryan Babel was pushed down in the box. This time the refree gave Liverpool a penalty.
8 Another thing to note very carefuly is that when ever a manager of a team that is greived by the refree and the manager takes the problem to the fourth refree and explains his feelings. THE FOURTH REFREE WILL ALWAYS SUPORT THE REFREE ON THE FIELD. We must remember that refrees to are men and not god they make mstakes like
9 Graham Poll in the 2006 world cup showed a Croatian footballer three yellow cards followed by a red card.
But what can be done we can not let them go scot free as they are employs of F.I F.A, U.E.F.A.and the F. A. Then this good game is spoilt.
My sugestion is a small fine and a ban for a few games. Or apoint a retired refree like mr Coolina to judge the standard of refreeing.

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