Monday, June 16, 2008


Franco Baresi the ITALIAN footballer was born on8/5/1960. He was refered as PISCININ or the LITTLE ONE , he was one of the few footballers who have played their entire career at one club only. He played for the club A.C. MILAN from the year 1977 to1997, a preriod of twenty years.And he played for the ITALIAN team from the year 1982 to the year1994. He played 532 games forMilan and scored 16 goals. And81 times for ITALY scoring one goal.
Hewas largely kept out of the natinol team by the ITALIAN defender GAETANO SCIREA.
The four defenders of A.C. MILAN were the very best they were made up of FRANCO BARESI, PAULO MALDINI, ALESSANDRO COSTACRUTA and MARCO TOSSITI.
He wonwon six scudetto, SSIERAA TITLES.and three EUROPEN cups. He was PAULO MALDINIs Mentor . Both their carrers ran in a similar manner.
His jersey number 6 was withdrawn by A.C. MILAN withdrew the jersey in respect to BARESI. This is rarely done by ITALIAN clubs.
He played in two world cups the 1990 and 1994 world cups.
On march 4 2004 the centenery year of F.I.F.A. One hundred best footballers were chosen and FRANCO BARESI was one of the many A.C. MILAN players on the list.

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