Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Kevin Philip of Sunderland club and England, got the petname Super Kev in the year 1999. That was his first yuear ever in the premiere league. and as Sunderland was asmall club,which just managed to survive from relegation nothing fantastic was expected from them that year.
But history was to be written that year. With a young striker called Kevin Philips making his debut and Thomas Sorenson , the assistant goalkeeper to Peter SchMichel the Gtreat Dane in the goal . The football world was in for a shock.
Kevin Philips just could not stop scoring goals kept coming in alltypes, cheecky,fantastic ,free kicks,headers and just tap ins.But they kept coming.
That year 1999 he scored a total of 30, thirty goals. The highest by a debutant in the E.P.L. ever.The best goal that year was verses Newcastle united , on a wet, rainy and miserable day. Yhe wet sliding pitch did not help either but it was Kevin Philips who scored the winner in a 2-1 game.

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