Thursday, September 18, 2008


We have seen this in the past and I am sure we shall see it in the future as well. The referees are giving the wrong players the red card, not only that they are getting away with it . And both F.I.F.A and U.E.F.A are doing nothing , absolutely nothing about it.
In this years champion league ,at Scotland Glasgow,between Celtic and Aalborg. The Italian referee Matteo Trefoloni ,showed the red card tothe Australian defender Michel Beauchamp, fordenying the greek playerGeorgios Samaras a scoring goal with eleven minutes to the end of the game. But televisionreplay clearly shows that the tripping was done by a another Michel a Michel Jacobson , and not the Australian who was booked.
The Austalian Michel protested srongly, and the game was held up for a while., and Michel Beauchamp has every right to be disapointed as he was not at all involved in the trip in any way.
Now what will the two Presidents do Mr Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini do?
The answer is nothing as the referees are employed by U.E.F.A and F.I.F.A. It will be swept under the carpet.
But I strongly feel the referees should be fined a bit ofcourse not as heavily as the footballers and they should face a few game bans as well.The sadest thing is the referees do not ask the fourth referee and even if they ask they will suport the referee., as if they are gods and do not make mistakes . We saw John Terry get a red card wrongly in their last .

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