Sunday, October 12, 2008


During the England verses Kazakstan , world cup qualifier at the Wembley stadium. On paper England were the stronger team and were suposed to have a easy time and the total was set by David Pleatt 6-0 in Englands favour.
But the first fourtyfive minutes did not go that way at all. As the stastics show , England failed to have a single shot on target, or for the matter they failed to have a single shot off the target as well and then the crowd got restless.
The only bright show was that of young Theo Wallcott the great grandson of the famous WestIndian cricketer Clyde Wallcott
The English coach Fabio Capello had pleaded with the fans before the game not to boo the footballers.
After the break Shawn Wright Philips came on , He is the son of the famous Arsenal and england striker Ian Wrght. With Theo Wallcott on the right side and Shawn Wright Philipson the left the game came to life and so did the goals . Rio Ferdinand scored a headerin the 52 minute followed by a own goal by Kuchma. Then the drama started Asley Cole gave a back pass to Kukyev to score a goal in the 68 th minute.It was after this blunder that evey time Cole touched the ball he was booed.. Then Wayne Rooney scored two goals to calm the the76 th minute and 86 minute , Defoe made it 5-1in the 90 th minute.
The intresting point to note is that Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard the two famous midfielders are known to win matches on their own and can change the complextion of the game in a few minutes with a freekick or score a fantastic goal. .They have played fourtyfive times together for England and in that time they have scored only one goal, and that was in 2004 at Vienna Austria. So people say they play better at club level then for the country. But we must also remember that Lampard has Deco, Ballack and Essien as partners.who are a class of their own.

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