Friday, October 31, 2008


The match between Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur was a classic match and absolutely thrilling game , to the time the final whistle blew.It was a game between the third from the top and the very last from the bottom of the table.
This what makes the game of football all the more exiting , you just cant say who will win the match. This is such a match.
The goal scoring started with the former Arsenal player David Bentley scoring one of his trade mark free kicks and the ball beating the goalkeeper in the 13th minute. Bentley was sold to Blackburn Rovers so that he would get playing practice instead of just sitting on the bench. This has always been Arsen Wengers poloicy that young should get a chance to play.
Arsenal then replied with goals from their French defenders Michael Silvestre who scored in the37th minute, and William Galas who scored in the46th minute, Emanuel Adebayor scored with a header in the 64th minute and the Dutch man Robin Van Persie scored 68 minute ,but then Darren Bent scored in the 67th minute.
When the game stood at 4-2 there was no chance of Arsenal loosing or the game ending in a draw.But then Gail Glichy made a mistake and gave the ball to Jermaine Jenas to score the third goalin the 89th minute. The fans were in for a thriller and the best game of their life, for there were four minutes of injury time at the last minute the ball kicked by Luka Mordic hit the upright post and fell kindly in front of Aron Lennons feet with which hescored the fourth goal, making the score a good 4-4 score.
If anybody had said this type of score was possible under Juande Ramos nobody would have believed it.
This is the beautiful game of football.
Gael Glichy was in tears in the dressing room because he made the blunder with Jermaine Jenas.

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