Friday, November 7, 2008


This was the return match between Manchester United and Celtic . And as Manchester United had won the first game very convincingly, the scotts had to win this game. And they started the game with an intention to do just that. As Manchester United playtheir bitter rivals Arsenal on the saturday the8th of november , Ferguson had given someplayers rest . Like Ryan Giggs and Edwin vandersar did not start ,and Foster was in the goal.
But in the first half the Australian player gave Celtic the lead with a fourteen yard kick which had a beautiful lobe and it completly beat Foster. As the time passed the crowd and Ferguson got more restless , and Ferguson sent his old faithful the thirtythree year old Ryan Giggs on a, and till the eightyfourth minute the Polish goalkeeper Artur Boruc and the defence held strong , ten Boruc made a lovely save but it fell kindly for Giggs to head the ball in in the eightyfourth minute the equalzer arrived .So the match ended 1-1.

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