Wednesday, November 26, 2008


1) Dider Drogba from the Ivory coast and Chelsea could very well be on his way from Chelsea to Inter Milan in Italy in january.. And the Brazilian striker Adriano could very well join Chelsea in a deal worth a total of 30 million pounds.
2 ) Manchester City also wanrt Ashley Cole the former Arsenal and now Chelsea winger, for a sum of 20, million pounds.
3 ) Arsene Wenger is now looking seriously for a centre back and is now seriusly thinking of getting the Argentinan centre back from the Spanish club Sevillea, named Fedrico Fasio.
4 Both Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur are looking to buy the young 21 year old Welsh internatinol goalkeeper from Wolverhampton, whose name isWayne Henneesey.
5Now both Real Madrid and Manchester city are chasing a striker called Ricardo Oliveira who plays for Real Zaragoza in Spain , and both the clubs are willing to shellout a sum of 16 million pounds for him.

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