Wednesday, December 3, 2008


It is indeed a great shame , that Englands leading club and the only club towin a trebble trophy. Has to bow down so low as , Ronaldois a habitual diver, and longs to score goals with free kicks and penaltys. This time he even went further with an attempt to score a goal using both hands.
It is shameful,that Alex Ferguson stands by Ronaldo , as if the referee Mr Webb was wrong, and says Ronaldo was pushed, and Ronaldo heard a whistle. Was it a trains whistle . Footballers who practice daily should know the sound of a referees whistle.
The Manchester all came around Mr webb like bees to support their fallen hero. Rio Ferdinand, Michel Carrick, Dareen Fletcher, and Dimitrov Berbatov, were all pleading and defending Ronaldo saying he was pushed. But clearly no one ever touched him , it was Dimitrov Berbatov who was pushed.
Come on Ferguson please punish Ronaldo instead of beeing so very stubid and suporttng him , when he is wrong.
Have a look at Arsenal and Arsene Wenger, after the William Gallas outburst in the room Gallas lost the captains armband , and was punished by missing a game. I would challenge Ferguson to punish Ronaldo the same way and as he is not the captain he should loose three weeks salary. Ferguson will never do it.
We in India atleast want footballers to play fair ,. I dont know how it is played in Portugal and Scotland.
The F.A. should now come heavily on Christiano Ronaldo and Manchester United. His ban should be at least for 8 eight games., and 500,000pounds.

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