Tuesday, December 16, 2008


1) Michel Owen has been told by the Newcastle United club that he should be ready to take a 25,000 pounds cut in his weekly salary. His previous salary was 1,05,000 pounds a week he will now get only 80,000 pounds a week. And they have put a a new contract for Michel Owen.
2) Manchester City have been talking with the Spanish club Espanyol on giving the Brazilian Elano on loan in january, with a plan to make him a permanent transfer later on.
3) The spanish giants Real Madrid are willing toshell out a sum of 25 million pounds for Ashley Young. The Aston Villa and England winger.
4) The sress of the manager job has taken its toll on Rafael Benietz and Filipo Scolari. Both had undergone kidneystone operations recently.
5)Chelsea boss has told Scolari there is no money to shop for players in january.
6) Manchester City Arab owners have warned Mark Hughes that City must come inthe top six places and qualify for the champion league or for U.EF.A.
7) Harry Redknapp wants Glen Johnson, Matthew Upson and Stewart Downing.
8) Juande Ramos at Real Madrid wants Lassana Diarra,Dider Zakora,Aaron Lennon and David Bentley.
9) As Porthsmouth are for sale and need funds,they may sellDavid James , Peter Crouch and JermainDefoe and

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