Monday, December 8, 2008


1) As Michel Owens career at Newcastle will come to an end , and he has no plans to stay at St James Park, once his contract is over. Now Chelsea have shown intrest in Owen. . Though Liverpool are more keen to buy Emile Heskey.
2) Arsenal have decided to increase the amount of the Spaniard Xavi Alonso the midfielder. Alonso was first wanted by Juventus but the deel fell through, and Liverpool rejected the amount offered first by Arsenal.
3) The Tottenham Hotspur boss Hary Redknapp has come forward to make an offer for the Irishman , and former Spurs striker, Robbie Keane, from Liverpool. But Harry Redknapp is willing to sell in rreturn Aaron Lennon and Jamie Ohara.Both jointly valued at 15 million pounds. That is Aaron Lennon who is worth 10 million in the market and Jaamie O Hara whomisworth 5 million pounds. Mainly as Redknapp needs a striker and Robbie Keane has floped at Liverpool , after a 20 million pound transfer from Spurs.
4)Juan Calio , from the Romanion Club C.F.R. Cluj, is called by has teammates and fans as Draculo. As the Romanian club is based in the same city that is famous for Count Dracullas castle..As he is the main goalscorer and saw Roma loose , with his goals.. Such a great threat is he , that Filipi Scolari has offered toresign as Chelseas coach, if they loose To C.F.R.Cluj, and fail to qualify.
5) the latest club in the E.P.L for sale is the Porthsmouth club.The Russian owner Shasha Gaydamak, has clearly said there want be any January clearing of players.Tony Adams has also said that there want be any firesale of players.
Manchester United want to get Karim Benzema from Lyon , for a price , which Lyon ask is 90, million pounds, Real Madrid have already said no to the buy.
6) The Spaniard David Villa may join Manchester City from Valencia for a total of 52 million pounds,Franck Ribery may also join Manchester City from Bayern Munich for 20 million pounds.
7) The new contract talks between Joe Cole,Dider drogba and Chelsea have not made any progress as the Russian owner has tightened his purses this january we may see a few stars sold from Chelsea for a change.

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