Friday, December 19, 2008


1) Steve Bruce the Wigan Athlatic manager has told Harry Redknapp to please kindly forget about buying Luis Valencia , the winger who plays for Wigan Athlatic.
2) The English manager Fabio Capello is extremely glad with te jobdone inthe last year , England have done well since he took over and their big failure to qualify for 2008. Even the press are writing good things of Capello and the english team.
3) John Terry the Chelsea captain says he has got a good ten years of football left in him , and the big trophy missing for him is the Champion league cup, which they lost to Manchester United in the final last year.
4) the suprise story going around is that Slaven Bilic could very well have chance to suceed Roy Keane at Sunderland.
5) Steve Bruce and Wigan has agreed to get a free scoring Columbian called HugoRodallega Martinez for a sum of 4.5 Million Pounds.
6) Joe Kinnear says that Michel Owen will decide in 48 hours about his new contract. But I feel he will not rush into any decission as both Everton and Manchester City are waiting and watching like hawks , ready to pounce on him. As Michel Owen is a small player but he gets you many goals with his head.
7) Harry Redknapp will sign Steve Finnan, a former Liverpool, Fulham and he plays his football for Espanyol in Spain.He will get him on loan in january first.
8) Arsene Wenger has found annew young talent as usual in Steven Mouyokolo , he is a defender and plays for Boulogna.

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