Thursday, December 11, 2008


1) Avram Grant the former Chelsea manager has said that he had tried very hard to buy both Kaka from A.C.Milan and also the french midfielder Markh Ribery from Baqyern Munich.. But had failed in his attempt.
2) The Chelsea boss Luis Scolari has asked Chelsea to buyn the Egyptian striker Amir Zaki, for asum of 6 million pounds.
3) Wigan will try to get the other Egytian Mido to replace Emile Heskey, who may be sold to Aston Villa.
4)Alex the Brazilian centre back is wanted by A.C. Milan, Inter Milan and also Seville, for 10 million pounds.But will Chelsea sell him?
5) The Scotish club Celtic are keen to get Welsh striker Craig Bellamy, but will pay only 5 million pounds. But Manchester City will pay 6 million pounds.
6) Valencia have told Manchester City that David Villa is not for sale at any price.
7) Manchester City is willing to pay 10 million pounds for Matthew Upson, and if they fail to get him they will try to go and get Joleon Lescott, from Everton..

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