Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The Arsenal fans must understand that in football, players will get injured, with both minor and major injuries before and even during the season, all clubs face it every year and not Arsenal alone.
Samir Nasri broke his fibula, while practicinghe wanted to kick the ball from one player but the player finaly kicked Nasri and not the ball. These things happen , last year Christiano Ronaldo was out for 6to8 weeks after a ancle operation after Euro 2008.
Arsene Wenger never spends money in the range of 40 million pounds, he makes stars out of youngsters, take Henry, Vieira, Hlep, Flameinni , Adebasyour. These all were sitting on the benches as extras with not much hope, but see where they are now. Even Nickolas Anelka he was brought from P.S.G for 50,000 pounds ands sold to Real Madrid for 23 million poounds.No manager will dare bring younsters and give them a chance like Arsene Wenger does.Arsenal have reached the Champion League semifinals last year and the F.A cup semifinal last year and they never had a big none or costly player in their team.
SO THERE IS NOTHING F---K wrong with Arsenal my fellow Arsenal fans lets trust Wenger.

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