Thursday, July 16, 2009


Real Madrid have purchased Christiano Ronaldo for a record 80 million pounds.Now they have agreed to pay back the huge amount to Manchester United in four instalments, which is fine.
But some years back Arsene Wenger got Nicolas Anelka from P.S.G. in France for 50,000 pounds and sold Anelka to Real Madrid for then a huge amount of 23.5 million pounds, and here also Real Madrid promised to pay in instalments, but Real Madrid failed to keep their word to Arsenal. And Arsenal had to take the case to F.I.F.A., and then Real Madrid cleared the amount to Arsenal.
But here the amount is four times amount, and the whole world is facing a recession, and add to that Real Madrid have spent over 210 million pounds with a further 30 million to be spent on Xavi Alonso .
Will Real Madrid do the same thing as they did do Arsenal?

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