Saturday, July 11, 2009


The Cameroon striker Samuel Etoo who was offered a contractat Manchester city has now missed it.As Manchester City told Samuel Etoo and his club Barcelona to make up their minds , if he was ready to join Manchester City from Barcelona toget a weekly salary of 250,000 pounds a week after tax cuts. But Samuel etoo became to Greedy anf wanted a cut of the transfer money about 12million pounds, and the deal was not going through, the main reason I feel it did not work was Samuel Etoo wanted to play for a club thatis in the champion league or U.E.F.A. And City are not in either.
Yesterday City gave Barcelona 24 hours to decide as the 24 hours elapsed then City said they are no longer intrested in Samuel Etoo. So it has slipped through his fingers , and now Etoo is negogiatting a new contract at Barcelona , who have clearly said they will give a new contract but will not increase his salary.

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