Monday, November 23, 2009


F.I.F.A must not send referees such as Martin Hansson, Tim Henning Ovrebo, Mike Riley and Harrod Webb.These referees are not good, and they do not even say sorry when they make howlers after howlers.
We want to see a honest and fair world cup this time, pleaseMr Sebb Blatter.
It is these referees who make the mistake and the players suffer. Take the case of Henry , each time the ball is lighter so it travels faster and also bounces higher ,so a hand ball is often seen,. But the referee and his two linesmen and the foutth referee must all decide when there is a apeal or a penalty , the referee should not decide alone, it should be madea rule by F.I.F.A. Take the case of Henry who is not a cheat at all from Juventus, Monaco, Arsenal and Barcelona days. Now due to the major mistake of Mr Martin Hansson Henry wants to retire for no fault of his. Please retire Mr Hansson instead.Mr Ovrebo gaveEric Abidal a red card when Anelka should have been given the red card. What has F.I.F.A done to these clowns called referees?Nothing at all what a shame.Johnny Evans hit Drogba on the chest with all studs showing, then Drogba gets a yellow card, whensome ribs could have been broken.

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