Monday, January 4, 2010


When Manchester United played Fulham, they were missing their defence with Ferdinand, Brown, Neville and Johnny Evans missing. So Michael Carrick and Darren Fletcher played along Rafael DSilva. In the first half we saw that Fulham had come with a desire to win . the person for Fulham was Bobby Zamora, he scored a goal anf provided one for Duff to score. The first goal came when Paul Scholes had the ball stolen from him , as he was slow and casual about it, the next thing he knew was Danny Murphy who took the ball from his feet scored a 20 yard goal. Bobby Zamora then scored the second in the second half. Then Alex Ferguson tried all his skill , he kept Giggs on and added more strikers all three ,Rooney, Owen and Berbatov, with a hope to score a goal back. But in the injury time Danmin Duff took a Zamora pass back and then scored the third goal. There was no way back for Manchester United, it ended 3-0 inFulhams favour.

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