Thursday, February 4, 2010


Aleksander Hlep the Belareus footballer has this to sayand warn footballers.He was brought from the German club F.c.Stutgartt to Arsenal by Arsene wenger to replace Robert Pires who was 30 years old.And at arsenal once you are thirty years you will get only one year contract. Pires wanted atwo year one. Hlep was a good footballer with quick feet. Later as arsenal want money to pay the money taken on loan for the Emirate stadium, Hlep was sold to Barcelona. But as Barcelona are Barcelona with a big team ,hlep was not getting a regular starting place at Barcelona. He has now left Barcelona and has now taken a complete circle and is now playing again for F.C. Stutgartt.Where he started his career. So this will be the faith of players who join big clubs and do not get a place in the first team. We are seeing it with Luis Nani and Ryan Babel, both want to impress their country coaches for the 2010 world cup.

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