Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The Spanish press says that Liverpool may be forced to sell Fernando Torres and Gerrard. This is mainly due to the huge debts owed to the banks , by the American owners.Torres says that he will like to join Barcelona if he is ever forced out of Liverpool. The amount from these two players will be huge.And then the stories are going around like , Rafael Benitez will get the sack and Mourinho will take over. But we must not get carried away.
Because I doubt any of that money will reach the club.The two Yankees will use it to pay up the debt they owe the banks. That is what happened when they sold their Baseball team The Texas Rangers and the N.H.L team The Montreal Canadians. Not a penny reached the Liverpool club it went to the bank. So let us not get carried away by some Spanish press , who always write these things at the time of president elections at Real Madrid and Barcelona.

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