Friday, March 12, 2010


Arsene Wenger the Arsenal coach has told Real madrid to leave him alone and not to pester him for the job as Real Madrids coach in the summer. As Real are sure to sack manuel Pelligreni. The reason is that after spending nearly 250 million Euros on top players ,they are out of the Champion league and kings cup and are tied for the Spanish title with Barcelona.
Last year also they wanted Wenger and the terms werefar to tempting, like Wenger could draw his own contract with his terms, he could buy any player or sack any player he liked, from the present team.The cheque book wold be open for him, without question.
But Realmadrid are famous for hiring and firing managers to often, there have been nine managers since 2005. Wenger politely refused it, though he admitted it was far to tempting.

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