Monday, April 26, 2010


In the 2010 champion league semi final between Bayern Munich and Lyon, in their first leg played at Munich. Here due to air trafick being stopped due to the volcanic ash in the sky , Lyon arrived from France by bus. The french player Franck Ribery week got from bad to worse, as he was taken in with tthree other french footballers for questioning over having sex with a under aged girl.
On the pitch he was sent of in the 37th minute with a straight red card for stamping on the foot of Lisandro Lopez. He now misses the second leg , and could also miss the final if he gets a two or three match ban.Ribery has not yet madeup his mind for which club he will play next year.There was more drama on the pitch with Lyon having a man advantage. But the italian referee sent of Jeremy Toululan in the 54th minute. But then the only and winning goal came in the 69th minute with a tipical trademark kick , but the ball took a defection from the head of Thomas Muellar beating Hugo Loris.The glass dutch man as Arjen Robben is called, because he is injured far to easily and often.
The match was played to a full house of 66,000 people.And Lyon have still got a chance as away goal may not count here all is there to play in the second leg.

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