Saturday, May 22, 2010


Tom Henning Ovrebo the refree from Norway for F.I.F.A. has now retired from refereeing, as he was not selected as one of the referees for the 2010 world cup , in South Africa.
The reason for not sending him to South Africa is because his standard of refereeing was just terrible for words. In the Champion League semi finals between Barcelona and Chelsea, he made howlers after howlers. Like he failed to give Chelsea a few penalties, when they were clear ones. A handball in the box. But the funniest one was when he showed Eric Abidal a straight red card for bringing down Nickolas Anelka, who was the last man. But replays show it was Anelka who brought down Abidal. So Abidal missed the final.And Barcelona won the match and reached the final where they outplayed manchester United.
Chelsea were charged and Drogba called Ovreba a Disgusting F---k---gcheat, and Bosingwa called Ovrebo a theif. Both were fined and banned as well. Nobody will miss Mr Ovrebo on the pitch, better for F.i.F.A as well.

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