Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Argentina in their game with Greece was a very good game from a neutral persons view . Greece defended very well and Argentina had many chances, and on the bench Maradona was getting nervous and tense , dancing like a chicken without a head. But the goals did come in contreversial style though. The Demachele goal should not have been allowed to stand as it came from the hand of Messi, not that Messi knew much about it before it flew in the back of the net.Let me ask what were the referees seeing?The linesmen and the fourth referee would always support the referee as if they are gods and so will F.I.F.A. after all they are F.I.F.A employees and are paid 750 pounds a match. But wake up mr Blatter football must have monitors asin hockey, cricket and other sports, to stop these shameless blunders by F.I.F.A. That day will never come. And countries places are stolen from the group 16 or quarter finals.

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