Monday, July 19, 2010


Sepp Blatter the F.I.F.A president , told the world at the world cup 2010 in a shameful way that goal line technology must come into the game of football.The reason being that goals were not given to countries like England , U.S.A and wrong goals were given to Argentina, the carlos Tevez offside goal which was allowed. Let me remind you readers that a total of seven or eight referees were told to pack their bags and leave South Africa . As they had brought disgrace to F.I.F.A and killed the beautiful game of football.
But on 21/7/2010 F.I.F.A are having their meeting in Cardiff Wales. This topic is n0t on their agenda at all. It should have been the top point, but instead they want to talk on keeping a referee behind each goal. Another pear of blind bats or cheats. They will always agree to what the main referee says. Same old story , with goalsnot given. Are these matches rfixed I often wonder. It happens in cricket. So it has long last come to football. F.IF.A should hang their heads in shame.

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