Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Now that Liverpool have Joe Cole , on a 90,000 pound a week salary, Arsenal had a oral agreement with Cole for 80,000 pound a week.It was to be settled at Arsenal after the world cup aswell as a complete medical check up, on his knee as well. It is not secret that Joe Cole has never been the player he was three years ago. after the knee peration las year he started in 14 games and scored two goals. But over the years we have seen players who have never been the same after under going a operation. Take Michael Owen, Fernando Torres, Harry Kewell and Robin Van Persie. anotherthing Joe was 28 years old Arsenal are all youngsters.
Another thing where would Wenger play him, with Arshavin, Denilson, Song Rosicky, and walcott all there. And Jack Wilshere waiting to enter the main team. He was wanted for the homegrown player rule mainly.
I personally do not think Cole joined Liverpool for the money, he joined because he knew he will get a starting at Liverpol, with both Reira and Yoosiy Benayoun gone. And he knew very well in his heart that like me he would not pass the medical check up .

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