Thursday, September 16, 2010


Yes no doubt money is a big problem at Manchester United,even if Ferguson says there is money and that the whole 80 million pounds for Ronaldo is there in the kitty. Then why did he not shell out the money to buy a pear of good midfielders. You see the two ever green servants of Manchester United Ryan Giggs and Paul Sholes are both 37 years old, it is not correct to expect them to play 90 minutes each game. But instead of buying midfielders he spent on a deffender a striker and a player unheard or unseen on the pitch Bebe.
Add to the old players the other problem facing Ferguson is that Anderson, Michael Carrick, Owen Hargreaves ,and Antonio Valencia has a broken ankle and will be out for the whole season.
Yes each year Manchester United start slowly in the E.P.L, but this year there is concern and Ryan Giggs has told the team to pull their socks up.
So I personally feel money is a problem.

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