Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Wayne Rooney the Manchester United striker , could very well e out of the club. As there is no movement where his new contract is concerned.Alex Ferguson has always had a principle to settle a new contract fast for the very good players at Manchester United, like Giggs and scholes. There was a oral agreement made between Rooney and the club before the world cup, Rooney was to get a weekly salary of 150,000 pounds a week. But his bad form at the world cup and at the E.P.L . He has scored just one goal since June and that was a penalty. To make matters worse his private life is in a mess, his involvement, with two hookers whose boyfriends were gangsters are scary for the club.
Ferguson is known to knock out players who do not fall in line. Roy Keane, Diego Forlan , Jap Staam are past players. There was talk that Diego Forlan who shown in the 2010 world cup, and is scoring goals in Spaiin may join the E.P.L.

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