Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The former Italian footballer and manager of Italy from1975 to 1986, has died at the age of 83 years, he was not well for some time now. he won the world cup for Italy in the year 1982 inSpain, the hero of that world cup was Paulo Rossi. In that world cup Italy started slowly but with wins over Argentina, Brazil and then Italy beat West Germany 3-1 in that final.He was according to Rossi Italy's greatest footballer of the 20th century. He played 104 games for Italy, and also lead Italy to the 4th place in the 1978 world cup in Argentina.
His passing away was on the same day of the death of Vittorio Pozzo , who died 42 years ago. Vittorio Pozzo lead Italy to world cup wins in the years 1934 and 1938. Vittorio Pozzo becomes the only manager to lead a country to two world cup wins in succession, no other manager has done it so far.

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