Thursday, December 2, 2010


Mourinho had high hopes of winning the El classic o verses Barcelona at the Nou Camp. But his trump card Ronaldo failed to shine. The other reason is Real do not develop youngsters like Barcelona , here Jefferen Suarez scored the 5th goal.
The real reason Barcelona are so good is because they have fantastic patient passing. they no where each player is and work like a clock. The passing was really good. Barcelona in the match made 694 passes in all, while Real Madrid made 331 passes in all. Barcelona scored a goal after 29 passes in all.It was from the back to into Reals net.
Jose Morinho must zip his mouth he loves to attack managers like Wenger and others. He sure came crashing down.And it is well known that Mourinho will not work at small clubs, he will only work for clubs with money, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Inter Milan.

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