Friday, January 28, 2011


Liverpool have rejected flatly 35 million pound sale for the El Nino, Fernando Torres. Chelsea have rejected flatly the 35 million pounds, but the Chelsea Russian billionaire has now raised it to 40 million pounds , and Roman Abrahomovic is very capable of reaching 50 million pounds.
Liverpool must think long and hard about it. As they want the Uruguayan striker Luiz Suarez from Ajax. And anyway Liverpool will not play in the champion league next year.
Liverpool must not make a mistake of holding onto Torres, he should be sold for 50 million pounds, and they make a profit as well.
Liverpool must remember even though Torres scores goals,he is also very fragile and is injury prone player, let me ask how many games has he missed.?
I can be sure if Arsene wenger was at Liverpool he would have sold him for 50 million pounds and got a new cheaper player.
And there is a buy out clause in Torres contract , I think it is 50 million pounds.

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