Thursday, February 24, 2011


Barcelona has called Arsenal immoral for poaching their 16 year old wonder kid Jon Miguel Torah Harper from the famous La Masai Academy .He was got for 300,000 pounds. And as the law says he can not sign in Spain for a club till he is 17 years old, but that is not the case in England. Arsenal got Cesc Fabregas for 700,000 pounds as well when he was 16 years old as well.
Now let me remind Barcelona that all clubs do this poaching of bright footballers. Barcelona did the same thing with a Lionel Messi who was 12 years old then. Or have they forgotten it. Now Barcelona want to hijack the French midfielder Samir Nasri from Arsenal, Nasri who earlier said that he would sign a new contract has changed his mind after Barcelona came knocking at his door, now he told Arsenal he will decide at the end of the season about a new contract. This all fine and fair for Barcelona they think, readers you be the judge?

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