Sunday, March 20, 2011


Kevin Friends the referee for the match between Liverpool verses Sunderland gave a penalty in favor of Liverpool. The Liverpool player was tripped outside the penalty area, but the player fell inside the box. First the referee Kevin Friends gave a free kick from outside the box, this was the correct decision , but the linesman who was on the side and did not have a good view as Friends had decided it was a penalty and the referee then changed his mind. The culprits were Luis Suarez the talented but very dirty footballer from Uruguay, who was pleading with the referee to give a penalty. This is a player who bites players years, and used his dirty hand at the world cup 2010 to prevent the ball from going in the net. Even the Liverpool captain Jamie Carragher said it was not a penalty.
It is clear technology must be introduced as soon as possible, even if slows the game we want a fair result.Friends and the linesmen should be banned for ever as they do not know the rules even. Note corner kicks the ball must be in the circle, now it is kept outside the circle and nothing said.
The F.A should be ashamed, all they want to do is fill their begging bowl , to fine players and managers.

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