Friday, June 3, 2011


The Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson has told the Glazers that he wants the Dutch midfielder Wesley Sneijder , at any cost. He told the Glazers according to The Daily Mail. He wants this 26 year old to replace Paul Scholes who retired after the Champion League final.
But he want be cheap, the Glazers will have to shell out 40 million pounds, and as his present weekly salary is 170,000 pounds, which will reach over 200,000 pounds easily.The plus points are that His wife who is a actress and also T.V. artist wants to shift to England.
The bad points are Manchester City also want him, and they have no problem paying him.The other draw back is England has a 50%percent tax cut, that is why the best footballers play in Spain and Italy.
Let us see if he does get sold.

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