Thursday, June 2, 2011


The French footballer who plays his club football with Arsenal has failed to reach a new agreement with the club.Yes you guessed it he wants more money , the root of all evil.Even though Arsenal are a strict when it comes to wages.They have agreed to increase his weekly salary to 90,000 pounds. But he wants 110,000 pounds a week.The same as cesc Fabregas.
Nasri must remember that he was nobody when he joint Arsenal from Marseilles. He was not even selected in-the French world cup team.He was chosen after his games at Arsenal.Fabregas igetting this salary after playing as captain and doing very well at the club, he joint Arsenal in 2004.
And if Nasri fails to sign a new contract, Wenger will sell him to the highest bidder.But he will not be sold to Manchester United at any cost. even as Evra and Ferguson want him to replace the aging Ryan Giggs.

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