Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Premier league clubs are spending 1.4 billion pounds on yearly wages.Some are spending beyond their means to stay in the E.P.L..
Deloitte found that the salaries of Steven Gerrard and Wayne Rooney increased by 64 million pounds in one year. Wages to revenue has reached an all time high. With Chelsea has a 174 million pound bill. Manchester City spent 133 million pounds, while Manchester United spent 132 million pound.For the year 2009- 2010 season only
Alan Switzer of Deloitte says wages to revenue has reached a all time high of 88 percent and this is worrying.
Of the clubs in england only four clubs were not in the red. This shows how serious the matter is.
And with players getting greedier asking for huge salaries it will get worse.

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