Monday, June 6, 2011


It is reported by the Daily Mirror that the Welsh footballer Ryan Giggs, who was once considered one of the cleanest footballers both on and of the field is now accused of many flings with several ladies.The latest was with Imogen Thomas , the star of Big Brother.But the latest is that Ryan Giggs was having a eight year affair with his brothers wife Natasha. Giggs would take Natasha to hotels , or Natasha who was a estate agent by profession used the houses she had to sell, used for this.
Ryans brother Rhodri who is a failed footballer, and was in jail for attacking a man with a bottle.
Natasha says she has now come clean , after Ryan cheated on her with Imogen Thomas.In all this both have forgotten they cheated Stacey.
Joanna Wilson , that is Ryans aunty her brother Danny wilson who married Ryan Giggs mother, but they were separated early and Ryan took his mothers name Giggs.Joanna says that Ryan Giggs is a dog , so immoral to sleep with his own sister in law.
Ryan Gigg has flatly denied the story, but Natasha has decided to do a D.N.A on the son, who could be that of Ryan Giggs in the end.In all this Manchester United have been quiet.

1 comment:

  1. Rubbish post. I am sure you know nothing on football but you just yaps.....
