Friday, July 15, 2011


The ten most valuable teams . This means the value of the stadiums, the players, sale of tickets and the amount from ticket sale and money got from various sponsorship are taken into consideration..There are Eight football clubs. in the list.
1) Manchester United. England. 1.86 Billion Dollars.
2) Real Madrid. Spain. 1.45.Billion Dollars.
3) Arsenal. England. 1.19. Billion Dollars.
4)Bayern Munich. Germany. 1.03. Billion Dollars.
5) Barcelona. Spain. 975. Million Dollars.
6) A.C. Milan. Italy. 938. Million Dollars.
7) Chelsea. England. 658. Million Dollar.
8) Juventus. Italy. 628. Million Dollars.
Please kindly note the wealth of the clubs are in Dollars and not pounds as the list also incluided American, baseball, basketball and N.F.L.Teams.

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