Friday, July 15, 2011


It is reported in the press THE SUN , that Arsenal have come forward to buy the Super Kid from the Belgium club Andrelehct Romelu Lukaku who is 18 years old , and has scored 31 goals for the club in 71 games. The Belgian club are willing to sell their wonder kid for 14 million pounds. Even though they earlier wanted 18 million pounds.
Early in the start it was all Chelsea only that were keen for Lukaku , but now things have changed and are moving at a faster pace after
Arsenal entered the picture.
But the big stumbling block is that Lukaku father will pocket 25 percent of the sale. But the usual practice of agents when selling a player from one club to another , is that the agent gets only 10 percent, and the player gets another 10 pecent. And the rest of the money is kept by the selling club.

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