Monday, July 4, 2011


The Hungarian referee Gyoengl Gaal. who was refereeing the match between Australia and Equatorial Guyana. Which ended in a 3-2 win for Australia. But Australia were robbed of a penalty by F.I.F.A as the referee nor the two linesmen so this weird handball.After all both the referee and the linesman are F.I.F.A employees.So Fifa should bare the entire blame for this unforgivable blunder.
The equatorial Guyana defender Buna cought the ball in the hand for three full seconds, as she thought it was a free kick , it all happened in the box, and both the referee and the two linesman failed to see the handbal.
This is also the 25th anniversary of Diego Maradona famous hand of God in 1986.
So in other words F.I.F.A are shamelessly stuck 25 years behind with their corruption.
Now will Michael Platini agree for a replay camera like cricket.Or will he say it wil become a PlayStation.

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