Thursday, September 8, 2011


The Italian and Manchester City striker has been called to court in Naples on the 15/9/2011, this is a day after the champion league match between Manchester City and Napoli.
It appears he was taken around the city of Scampia by known gangster of the Mafia on a grand tour over there.
The police visited the training ground of the Italians before their 2012 qualifier verses Slovenia.
The persecutor wants to know who took him on that grand tour and why was he there in Mafia land.And who was the guide.
Balotelli says he visited Scampia as he wanted to see Gomorrah a film on organized crime in Naples..
Last October Mario and his brother Enoch were questioned by the police, as they both drove to a womens prison in Milan. He wanted to know what it was like inside.

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