Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Please leave Arsene Wenger alone, as he has done a great job for Arsenal and football as well.Wenger has been at Arsenal for 14 years and has taken Arsenal to the champion league 14 times.
Just because Arsenal are standing 17th in the table. that does not mean he needs to be sacked at all.Just because there were no trophies that does not mean it is the end of the club.
Arsene wenger does not buy footballers for 25 or 30 million pounds.He buys them cheap and makes them into stars, and sells players for a huge profit.
By the way Sir Alex Ferguson joined Manchester United in 1986 but he won the first title with Manchester United in 1993. Till then it was all Liverpool then.
The trouble this year at Arsenal is both Fabregas and Nasri have left , but the new players have to gel , this takes time to understand each other.
Last year Liverpool and Everton were 17th and 18th in the table but they ended in the top eight in the table.

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