Friday, October 21, 2011


It now appears Roberto Mancini and Manchester city are doing a big U Turn in the Carlos Tevez saga. Mancini claimed that Tevez refused to play in the match verses Bayern Munich in the champion league game.
But now nobody supports the Italian Coach, as neither the assistants of Roberto Mancini , Brian Kidd, and David Platt , or for the matter the Manchester city, bench never heard Tevez say No. To make matters verse Roberto Mancini spoke to Carlos Tevez in Italian, a language he does not know at all.Tevez only said in Spanish that he was already warmed up.
Roberto Mancini had a meeting with Tevez at 1.A.M. over tea. He wanted Carlos Tevez to apologize to him and th club chairman, which Tevez refused.
Manchester City are now a laughing club in the world.
The best thing for Manchester city would be to sack Roberto Mancini, as he only wanted to get rid of Carlos Tevez , as he was costing the club 250,000 pounds a week, for not being even on the bench.They should sell him of and the club settle the problem soon , for eveyones interest.

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