Monday, October 10, 2011


The English striker Wayne Rooney is a absolute disgrace to football in every way. He is a very poor role model for youngsters.
The English F.A . should ban him from three Euro Matches. If they ban him for one match , then the English F.A should hang their heads in shame.
But just because he is Wayne Rooney and Manchester United player the English F.A should not be lenient on this.
The football rule clearly says that a stamping also gets a three match ban. The Cameroon midfielder Alexander Song , who plays for Arsenal. got a three match ban for stamping a player.
But if Wayne Rooney gets away then the rule book should be thrown out for good. here even the U.E.F.A should take this seriously, stamping a plaer is one thing , kicking one is , behaving like a thug on the pitch.

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