Friday, December 2, 2011


Michel Platini the president of U.E.F.A has said that he wants the 2022 world cup in Qatar to be held in the winter. But as the world cup is held each time in the month of June and July. It has now dawned on this stupid clown that Qatar will be to hot in June and July. And European footballers could not be expected to play at 50 degrees heat.I am sure F.i.F.A new this , is hot in June for years.
But F.I.F.A was so corrupt . they were counting money, and lost their senses . Platini said he did indeed vote for Qatar, to hold the 2022 world cup. He has forgotten the Champion League cup is held in the winter and the F.A. cup
How does F.i.F.A expect to change things for their own liking.
And at a world cup clubs send scouts for buying stars, there will be many injured due to to much football
Choosing Qatar was without any thinking, it should have been Australia2022.

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