Wednesday, February 29, 2012


These football fans can be really funny at times, and they even have short memories.
The Arsenal fans were after the blood of both Theo Walcott and Arsene Wenger.
It was mainly after the 4-0 defeat to A.C. Milan in this years Champion League, and also after loosing to Sunderland in the F.A. Cup.
In the big E.P.L match last week between Arsenal verses Tottenham Hotspurs, Arsenal conceded a goal in the fourth minute ,scored by Luis Saha and a penalty by Emmanuel Adeboyor.This was enough for the Arsenal fans to call Theo Walcott a idiot get out was their abuse in the match. It got to such a point that Arsene Wenger nearly pulled Theo Walcott out. But Arsenal responded with goals from Bacry Sagna and Robin Van Persie.
But after half time it was all Arsenal two goals from Theo Walcott and one from Thomas Rosicky made it 5-2 at the whistle.
Now the fans were singing praises of Theo Walcott and Arsene Wenger, Arsenal are now 4th in the table . just seven points below SPURS.
How these fans can change in a twinkling of a eye.

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