Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Many Arsenal fans are calling for the sacking of Arsene Wenger, but they forget that Arsene Wenger has brought Arsenal to the top four in the E.P.L. they once stood seventeenth in the table. And he has had had lot of injury problems with many players laid of for the entire season as well.
But my big question is who will replace Arsene Wenger? Will it be Alan Curbishly, Ian Warnock , Steve Bruce or sam Allardyce.
As Emmanuel Petit, the former Arsenal player said. Sack Wenger and Arsenal will regret it for ever George Graham the former Arsenal player and manager , can talk a lot now.But players in his time were brought for a few hundred thousand pounds , today below a few million pounds you get average players only .The good ones will cost 40 million pounds each, so what is a kitty of 55 million pounds to spend today?
By the way Wenger got Arsenal the new Emirate stadium, how many clubs have got a stadium today? Liverpool and Everton can not even have money to share a stadium.Arsenal have to pay back the loan taken on the stadium as well.

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