Thursday, March 1, 2012


Fabio Capello the Italian manager of England's football team got a yearly salary of 6,six million pounds. which was far to much.
As Brazil payed Dunga, a world cup winner only a million pounds.Argentina payed Diego Maradona also a world cup winner one million pounds.
Oscar Washington Tabarez the coach of Uruguay also roughly one million pounds.But Tabarez got Uruguay to the semi finals of the 2010 world cup, he also won the Copa America with Uruguay.Capello has won nothing with England.
The French coach at the 2010 world cup Raymond Domonech gota salary of 500,000 pounds.
Bob Bradley the coach of the U.S.A world cup got a salary 25 times less then Fabio Capello.
The German coach of the underdog team Greece that won the Euro 2004 got below a million pounds.
Why should England pay so much to their coaches? As a trophy last came in 1966.

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