Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Manchester City are the third highest paid football team in the world.They come behind Real Madrid and Barcelona where weekly wages of footballers are concerned. Manchester City pay an weekly average salary of 86,000 pounds , or 4.5 million pounds. While Barcelona and Real Madrid , the two mighty Spanish giants, do not have a individual owner , they are owned by their shareholders.While City is owned by Sheikh Mansoor. Manchester City had a loss in 2011 of 197 million pounds, a English record for any club. And the previous year the loss was 121 million pounds.It is far to large for any club. Another problem they face is that no other club can buy these players or , for the matter pay their inflated wages.Adebayor is not able to be paid by Tottenham Hotswpurs a weekly salary of 170,000 pounds.

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